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Oops, Whoops, and Sorry

Written By andrey on среда, 2 июля 2014 г. | 11:15

I think about my blog All.The.Time.  Seriously.  But you wouldn't know it to look at my blog because there are never any posts!  Life happens and pregnancy has gotten the best of me.  I am always so tired! 

Here in the Middle East we are still (still) STILL in school.  Ouch.  We have one more week and then have to report back August 24th.  Two days before my due date.  Hmm...I hate missing the beginning of the school year so we'll have to see how that works out.  But the kiddos have stopped coming to school about 3-4 weeks ago (honestly I've lost track I've been so bored at work with nothing to do) so it has given me motivation to think about my blog and my TPT store.  I've come up with some goals for before the baby comes to hopefully get on the right track for the coming school year.

First order of business is I just purchased a new, custom blog design. I'm so excited!  I've spent the past two days researching companies and looking at portfolios trying to decide if it will be worth the money.  Not to mention reading how-to tutorials to see how easy it is to do it myself.  But looking at my favicon and my blog button (designed by yours truly) I really think I need to bring in a professional. By the time school starts I should be ready to rock and roll!

Next year I have requested a transfer to a local school.  I really, really hope my request comes through as it means no more three hour (no, that's not a typo) daily commute at the crack of dawn to reach work.  But, hey, at least my employer has provided me with a fancy yellow school bus to ride to work in style (yes, no kidding).  I am hoping to be at a kindergarten school in the fall (called KG here).  Cross your fingers for me!  Otherwise I will be moving from first to fourth which will definitely be challenging.  Either way stick with me and I will show you the crazy ins and outs of teaching not only overseas but in a Muslim country.

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