يُمكن للأشخاص إدخال موقع ما للعثور على محتوى رمضاني ذي صلة بهذا المكان، مثل برامج الطهي الشهيرة على YouTube أو العدّ التنازلي لغروب الشمس حسب التوقيت المحلي . علاوة على ذلك، يُمكنهم الدخول بسهولة إلى الأدوات لتخطيط يومهم، بدءًا من جدولة المواعيد في التقويم إلى إنشاء قائمة تسوّق على Google Keep للرجوع إليها أثناء شراء المستلزمات من المتجر.
أما بالنسبة إلى الأشخاص المغتربين الذين لا يتمكّنون من الاستمتاع بالإفطار مع أسرهم وأصدقائهم، يُمكنهم الآن إجراء جلسة Hangouts بسهولة للاستمتاع بالإفطار مع العائلة أو الأصدقاء. أو إذا كنت على سفر إلى أحد الأشخاص المقربين إليك، تساعدك خرائط Google على تحديد أسرع المسارات المؤدية إلى الوجهة التي تقصدها، علاوة على إشارات مناسبة إلى المطاعم والمساجد المتوفّرة على الطريق.
لقد جمعنا أيضًا مجموعة متنوّعة من مقاطع فيديو YouTube وHangouts على الهواء لمنحك أفكارًا جديدة للاحتفال بهذا الشهر مثل برامج CBC سفرة، أو برنامج الرسوم المتحركة السعودي مسامير، أو قنوات الاعتماد على الذات مثل E- Keif، أو البرامج الكوميدية مثل "مفتاح إنجليزي". كما يُمكنكم العثور على التطبيقات ذات الصلة بشهر رمضان من Google Play التي تقدّم وصفات طعام خاصة للإفطار أو السحور.
لذا، إذا كنت تحتفل برمضان هذا العام، فانتقل إلى google.com/ramadan لتحقيق الاستفادة القصوى من يومك في هذا الشهر.
رمضان كريم للجميع!
الناشر: طارق عبدالله، مدير التسويق الإقليمي Google - منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا
More ways to enjoy Ramadan with help from Google
Starting today, millions of Muslims around the world are celebrating Ramadan which can be a busy time for many—from family get-togethers to new TV shows centered on the holiday. To help people get the most out of this month, we’ve put together a Ramadan hub with information on how Google products like YouTube, Maps, Hangouts, Google+, Keep and Play can help people enjoy the holiday with friends and family without worrying about their to-do list.

The hub will give people information based on their location like a popular cooking show on YouTube or their local countdown to sunset. They can also easily access tools to plan their days, from scheduling appointments on their Calendar to creating a shopping list on Google Keep to refer to when at the supermarket buying ingredients.
For those away from home who can’t make it to Iftar, it’s easy to start a Hangouts session and break your fast with family or friends. Or if you're traveling to see your loved ones in person, Google Maps can determine the fastest route to your destination, along with convenient stops for restaurants and mosques on the way.

We’ve also collected a variety of YouTube videos and Hangouts On Air to give you new ideas for celebrating, for example, cooking shows like CBC Sofra, Saudi cartoon Masameer, Do-it-yourself channels like E- Keif or comedy like Muftah Engleezy. You can also find Ramadan-related apps on Google Play that offer special recipes for Iftar or Suhour.
So if you’re celebrating Ramadan this year, visit google.com/ramadan to get the most out of the holiday.
Ramadan Kareem!
Posted by Tarek Abdalla, Head of Marketing, Google - Middle East and North Africa
More ways to enjoy Ramadan with help from Google
Starting today, millions of Muslims around the world are celebrating Ramadan which can be a busy time for many—from family get-togethers to new TV shows centered on the holiday. To help people get the most out of this month, we’ve put together a Ramadan hub with information on how Google products like YouTube, Maps, Hangouts, Google+, Keep and Play can help people enjoy the holiday with friends and family without worrying about their to-do list.
The hub will give people information based on their location like a popular cooking show on YouTube or their local countdown to sunset. They can also easily access tools to plan their days, from scheduling appointments on their Calendar to creating a shopping list on Google Keep to refer to when at the supermarket buying ingredients.
For those away from home who can’t make it to Iftar, it’s easy to start a Hangouts session and break your fast with family or friends. Or if you're traveling to see your loved ones in person, Google Maps can determine the fastest route to your destination, along with convenient stops for restaurants and mosques on the way.
We’ve also collected a variety of YouTube videos and Hangouts On Air to give you new ideas for celebrating, for example, cooking shows like CBC Sofra, Saudi cartoon Masameer, Do-it-yourself channels like E- Keif or comedy like Muftah Engleezy. You can also find Ramadan-related apps on Google Play that offer special recipes for Iftar or Suhour.
So if you’re celebrating Ramadan this year, visit google.com/ramadan to get the most out of the holiday.
Ramadan Kareem!
Posted by Tarek Abdalla, Head of Marketing, Google - Middle East and North Africa
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