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My Mother is the Wedding Anniversary Reminder

Written By andrey on среда, 30 апреля 2014 г. | 04:37

Mum sent me an email today congratulating Bryan and I on our wedding anniversary.

Thank God she remembers every year. We never do. Well to be honest last year we did on account of it being our 25th anniversary and therefore something of landmark event. And it was teamed up with a trip to Istanbul - see here. Actually sometimes Bryan remembers, but I never seem to. I don't know why.

Even though my mother is never wrong when I received her email  earlier today I still had a quick think. “Really today? Gosh yes, it is that time of the year.” I had to go onto my blog to check the date here. I got all warm and fuzzy reminiscing and then tapped out a SMS (romantic soul that I am) to Bryan reminding him that it was our anniversary and congratulating him.

The poor bugger was working late yesterday evening and then had a rehearsal and then came home and was back working at his desk till a silly hour of the morning. He climbed into bed.  Had a couple of hours sleep before he was shocked into wakfulness by his alarm ringing at 4.30am so that he could head off to the airport for a short business trip. He will arrive home late tonight, possibly past midnight so chances are he is not having a lovely day.

But I am thinking of him. My wonderful man. Who totally gets me and love me regardless. Who is the best father our sons could have had and the greatest life partner I could have wished for. How lucky am I?
Balding, dashing, debonair and MINE.
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