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Couch to 5K

Written By andrey on суббота, 18 августа 2012 г. | 01:42

OK, so it wasn't my idea! Caz decided she was going to go on a fitness campaign and do a "Couch to 5K" programme, and I have kinda got sucked into it! Caz has even signed up for a 5K run in Dubai (around the Palm Jumeirah) in November! Go girl!

I really do need to do it. I feel so lethargic and a bit of fitness wouldn't go amiss. So we have started walking/running/cycling etc and Tuesday nights are spent at  Train Yas . This is the app we are using now - Get Running . I am also posting results on Run Keeper to include cycling and when I am using a cross-trainer. Keep an eye on my Twitter account for new postings ( @neilroberts01 )

Caz had read about a store in Dubai that analyses your foot geometry and gait, and recommends running shoes that are designed for your feet. It turns out it is InterSport (like the ones we have in the UK), using their "Gait Analyser").  Below is the result of my analysis .....

So it seems I have high arches and never knew! "Moderate Pronation" indicates that I tend to walk/run with more pressure on the outside of my feet than the inside (I think!) . Now, I do tend to get various aches and pains in my muscles and back, so I am hoping that having some appropriate running shoes may help. The store assistant was very knowledgable and helpful and recommended two pairs that would be suitable for my feet. I decided to go for the Asics Lightening, which are really comfortable and lightweight with good "breathable" fabric. I tried them out last night when I did the first level of the C25K. The were really comfortable and my feet for sure didn't ache at all when we got back.

See you in Rio !

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