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Al Ain, UAE

Written By andrey on пятница, 17 августа 2012 г. | 00:22

So I find myself in limbo now that I've arrived in the UAE (The United Arab Emirates) just a stones throw away from Jordan.  It's a bit strange being here.  Most everything is posted in English and Arabic and there are so many things you'd find in the States that you can find here.  Like virtually every type of fast food.  I would have thought I would escape that!
Mushrif Mall in Abu Dhabi - notice the Wendy's

Just like in the States, it's cheap here too! Lucky me.

My employer, ADEC (Abu Dhabi Education Council), has placed me in an incredibly nice hotel for a week now.  They've given me a key to my apartment (although it appears to have someone still living there - a slight hiccup in my plans) and I will be in Abu Dhabi for hopefully another week.  At the end of next week I'll have my first new teacher orientation - UAE style.  I just can't wait to see the school and grade level I'll be teaching.  You know how we are - we could plan all summer for back to school!  At this rate I'll only have about a week.  Yikes.

In the meantime I'm trying to just relax and meet new people.  Although most of us in this hotel are teachers, some have formed cliques awful quick.  My "clique" isn't quite working out so I'm still shopping around, so to speak.  The important thing is that I just remain open to new experiences and keep a positive outlook - especially since ADEC definitely has their own version of doing things that takes some getting used to.  All in good time - I have two years.
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