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Ridiculous story, ridiculous sentence

Written By andrey on понедельник, 25 июня 2012 г. | 10:32

Death sentences for Briton and Syrian for drug dealing

ABU DHABI // A 19-year-old Syrian and a Briton, 21, were both sentenced to death today for selling an undercover policeman Dh1,500 worth of marijuana.

After the verdict was announced, the Briton’s mother collapsed outside the Criminal Court while the Syrian’s mother tried to comfort her, telling her they could appeal the decision.
The two men were caught after a CID officer posing as a customer bought 20 grams of the drug. The officer had earlier bought Dh500 worth to test it and confirm it actually was marijuana.
A Sudanese man who was also a defendant, was sentenced to one year in jail and deportation for taking the drug, while a 17-year-old Emirati was sent for rehabilitation.
Previously in court, defence lawyers had attacked the credibility of the police investigations, because the witness said he did not know the address of the defendants.
He also said that the Syrian asked the Briton to get him the drugs from the car in Arabic, which lawyers said did not make sense.
Moreover, the two were speaking in English, which, they said, the CID officer did not understand.
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